Saturday, September 29, 2007

Life's been strange

Current t-shirt: Happy Sushi Family.
Current music: Joan Osborne, "Crazy Baby" (concert version). Ok, it's really '90s, but then so am I.

Some things that only happen to me:

I sit in a hot plate of soup and burn my ass.

I had my husband take pictures of my poor burned butt to send to my sister (she's a doctor, and we were deciding whether or not I should go to the emergency room - we decided not to).

While I was interviewing a chinese herbalist and he was getting to the part about using wingless cockroaches on ankle injuries, I look over, and my husband, who's working as my photographer, has the pictures of my burned ass up on the digital camera - frantically scrolling to get to the end or something. (David's technologically disinclined.)

Almost get to interview Bill Clinton, but then don't get the interview, possibly because that particular boss is a crook, and certainly because the Clinton people are difficult, to say the least.

Learned campsongs about Wehrner Von Braun and dropping nuclear bombs as a child.

All true. All me. Latest is that I was hanging out with this theater group called Vampire Cowboys, and went out later with the entourage of one of their actresses, Melissa Roth. (She's a good actress.) Turns out ths group won some contest on MySpace and are now shooting a feature film produced by Spike Lee. The director, Mitch Gettleman, and two other actors, Joe Pacillo and Keenan Moynahan where also there. Keenan feels like someone who might be going places.

Love and extended warranties,
The Red Pooka!

1 comment:

Day Al-Mohamed / Day in Washington said...

*grins* I always have to smile when you mention "Vampire Cowboys." It just seems an odd juxtaposition. But I guess I shouldn't laugh too much as the main character in one of Renee's stories is a vampire and the novel is a WESTERN!!!