Saturday, December 1, 2007

Torture book

Current t-shirt: Narwhale, red and cream on gray.
Current music: Tilly and the Wall (yes, I'm obsessed).

I'm doing Darius Rejali's book, "Democracy and Torture" for the LAT (Princeton U Press, Dec.). Rejali is a political sci prof at Reed and rather canny. Because governments tend to open their more embarrassing archives sometime after the twelvth of never, you're never going to get the full story on torture according to the paper trail.

Well, we know a lot about peoples who didn't leave a paper trail: the Celts, Powhattan Indians, the Maya. We know these things because we use anthropology to examine and trace traditions, which tells us what comes from where and who was influencing whom.

Rejali does this with torture.

Creepy, eh?

Never knew anthropology could be so bad-ass.

Love and enemies of the state,

The Red Pooka!

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